Project | Naturally Brilliant Colour at Shirley Sherwood Gallery, Kew

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18/05/2021 - If like us, you enjoy the mesmerising relationship between light and colour we highly recommend the new exhibition, Naturally Brilliant Colour, at Shirley Sherwood Gallery, Kew Gardens, featuring artwork by renowned artist, Coral G Guest, and cutting edge technology by Andrew Parker and Lifescaped.

A continuation of our long-standing collaboration with the gallery, we have returned to light this exhibition, which explores the evolution of colour in nature. Specifically “Pure Structural Colour” - the brightest colours and iridescent effects that occur in plants and animals thanks to the microscopic structures in their surface layers which refract and reflect light in specific ways.

In a world first, the featured artists recreated these incredibly vibrant colours, which are activated through carefully modelled lighting interacting with the surfaces and materials. The show brings together works by influential botanical artists including Robert John Thornton and contemporary artist Julia Trickey.

The exhibition runs from Monday 17 May – Sunday 26 September 2021.